I hope you don't get mad
but I don't like it when you're sad
Your glass should be full
not empty or between
but spilling over the edge
creating a stream
if you need some water
you can borrow mine
I'm not thirsty anyway
Your swagger should not sway
Your frown should go away
Smile, if you find a way
And do your best to make it stay
(I'm trying my best here)
(Please don't tear my rhyme scheme apart >.>;)
Running out of lines
But still so much to say
Though words are cold
So have a friendly-poem-hug
I hope you feel okay :3
(actually, I'd prefer if you felt great)
(I'm trying not to push it)
(how far am I pushing it?)
(Should I take it back?)
(Smile, just a little, before bed, okay?)
(Sorry I haven't quite mastered "the art" yet)
(Dream Well)