Tuesday, May 21, 2013

No Promises

It's already half past midnight here, and I haven't gotten around to Brrda this week yet. I don't know if I'll be doing it tonight, he might be late tomorrow, he might not be here at all this week. To be frank, I'm tired, I'm angry, and I don't really feel much like writing fiction right now. I've been fighting with CreateSpace for a full day straight, finally think I got everything how it needs to be, and that's just taken an immense toll on me. Most people have it right, just baby steps and bit by bit. I don't do it like that. I wanted to know exactly how the hell this CreateSpace thing works, so I grabbed it and ran with it for twelve straight hours from nine PM to nina AM last night through this morning, slept from ten-fifteen AM to five PM (completely fucking over my sleep cycle, and man, is it hurting), and from the second I woke up until about an hour ago I did not eat, move, or any other such thing. I simply worked on figuring out how the whole system works.

On the one hand: now I know.
On the other: it has thrown me so out of whack with everything else.

I'm reacting rashly, my face seems to be stuck in a scowl, and I feel like a bomb. One feather more, and that's it, ka-boom!

So I don't know what I'm doing tonight. I have so much shit to do, so much getting backed up. But I'm just so tired. I don't know. We'll see.

But no promises.