Thursday, June 23, 2011

Poem-a-Day Challenge!

So I missed out on what I guess is national poetry month and wasn't able to participate in the annual poem-a-day challenge because I didn't know it existed. However, this is something I had wanted to try ever since I saw photographers doing their photo-a-day thing, and I'm pretty sure I saw some animators creating a new robot each day at some point over the past two years. While poetry has never really been my thing, and I've always kind of approached it in this weird, screw-eyed uncertainty (like asking out your first crush) I can't deny that it is becoming an increasingly relevant form of entertainment, stress release, grief filtering, and brain teasing. So I want to work on my skills a little bit. I want to take what little ability I have now and hammer it into something that might not be publishable, but will at least be amusing.

So what I want you all to do is throw some prompts at me. If you don't, I'll be forced to traverse the terrifying gullies of Google in the hopes that a hidden treasure trove of polished prompts is waiting for my discovery. Give me forms, patterns, topics, or any combination of the three. If you want me to write a haiku about the razor sharp edge of a can lid slicing through a trash bag, I'll write you a haiku about a razor sharp edge of a can lid slicing through a trash bag.

My goal is to write one poem each day through the entire month of July, so we've got about a week to get some prompts headed in my direction. Leave your prompt suggestions in the comments below, and feel free to submit more than once.